Wildwood Coaching Ltd Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Healing in Trauma

The base of my neck went numb, and as the weeks passed, I got weaker, dizzier, headaches, and intermittently my world would spin. Imagine a garden hose that’s pinched. So was the electrical life force energy that flows between head and body…

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Wildwood Coaching Ltd Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Guardian of the Garden

There is an elder in our garden in spring it protects the microclimate in our garden from the hardness of the seasonal frosts. He is guardian…

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Wildwood Coaching Ltd Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Touching of Seasons

How-to live-in coherence with nature…

This spring I have enjoyed slow mornings in front of the woodstove, drinking in the wildness of spring and the touching of two seasons. In previous years I pushed myself. However, this year I am savoring every glorious moment, of slow being fast.

A couple years ago I changed my yearly planner to live in cadence from equinox to equinox. Shifting the heartbeat of our life into a softer rhythm.

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Wildwood Coaching Ltd Wildwood Coaching Ltd

The Alchemy of Anger

In this moment on this particular day, from a place of vulnerability out of my heart popped the words, “I am only a homemaker”. What else do I know how to do?

My friend’s reaction was, “yeah, that really only is all you can offer.” The words stung like an artic blast. It knocked the breath out my heart.

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Wildwood Coaching Ltd Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Healing, a Code for Life

When I was a little girl, I was quite the tomboy and got plenty of scrapes and a few deep gashes. My mom would clean the ouch, put on some natural remedies and bandage it. But never once, did anyone “do” anything to make my body heal. The remedies my mom used didn’t heal my body, it kept it in happy environment so it could do what God programmed it to do.

Healing is something that is…

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