Healing in Trauma

It is early morning, and I am sitting at our dining room table facing the back of our land; gazing through the branches I can see the sun making its way above the horizon, and its rays across the hay field. This week, for the first time, I had the inner shift and knowing that spring is here.

I have several big projects, one of them was expanding our garden by 60 square feet. It is in an area with the lushest grass, and instead of spading it over to decompose, I did a normal Lorene thing! I repurposed the grass.

Hauling all 60 square feet of the 5” deep sod up a hill, into the dining area, where the slope paired with rain would always wash everything out. Tucking the lush grass in was perfecto!

But the day after, I paid a dear price. Normally after a workout like that, I’d be sore, soak in minerals and dead sea salts. Do my daily spinal hygiene routine and be back at it within 24 hours or so. But not this time!

In late February, early March I experienced a neck trauma at the hand of someone I trusted in chiro care. During a treatment, my husband I set up a boundary in which the person responded in anger. I was on the table and before either myself or my husband could respond, I received what felt like a punch.

The base of my neck went numb, and as the weeks passed, I got weaker, dizzier, headaches, and intermittently my world would spin. Imagine a garden hose that’s pinched. So was the electrical life force energy that flows between head and body.

My neck going numb wasn’t good. It was protecting me from further harm. The day after I hauled the sod. I got headache so severe, passing out would have been nice. That was bad, but it got my attention.

It hurt to cry. But with each weak tear, my husband holding my head; I fully acknowledged the truth of the trauma for what it was. Realizing that the second it happened my body knew it as an assault. But it took having the headache for my mind to catch up, to the severity of it.

Acknowledging what really happens in a painful or traumatic experience is essential. That level of ownership and puts you in the driver’s seat of choosing how you want to move forward.

I chose the assistance of an energy worker, meditation and breathwork; I dedicated a session to releasing the shockwave of anger my body had absorbed. Bringing my soul into alignment with the quantum life force of the Creator, and the healing already happening in my body.

Trauma or accidents are something we don’t expect. Looking back, there were red flags. But… what ifs, regrets, could haves, or should have. Is not a part of healing. Healing is regeneration. It is a code for life that is written into the stars, nature, the body, soil, and the soul. It is in all living!

Healing is happening every second, and it is essential to bring our soul into alignment with it. Saying yes to life, that’s when the magic happens!

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.


Bouche Stinging Nettle Tea


Guardian of the Garden