Sovereign Security

Early one foggy August morning, the earth was laden with dew so dense it washed my bare feet as I made my way through the garden. Normally I check in and say hello, see what needs cared for, or pick an herb to breathe in the aroma. But this day I was not present. I had gone to bed with an unprocessed emotional trigger and was feeling insecure about the flow of abundance, and it followed me into the garden. I wasn’t about to allow it to consume my mind through the day, so I lit a bonfire, and sat with my journal to align myself with the truth of who I Am, and how I create.

Security is a big issue for many of us and the culture at large has been trained to rely on the hands of others: emotions and mental health to phycologists, health to practitioners, spirituality to gurus, and preachers, food to grocery stores, finances to banking systems. We have become codependent on the relationships around us.

We also give the security of our worth to our work which makes life a horrible emotional roller-coaster. When we do good, we feel good, but when we make mistakes, and we do, then we tend to feel like shit about ourselves. This also applies to our worth in what other people tell us about who we are.

The way I look at it is: What am I responsible for? How can I face my fears and shift my perspectives? What is in my power? What can the laws of nature teach me about security, consistency, multiplication, reproduction and seasons?

How can I manage summer's harvest to provide for winter? How can I elevate the quality of all the things that make a life experience? Where is the quality of my life currently, and what do I want? Whether it be spiritual and our soul’s wellbeing, our home environment, our finances, our food and more.

Some time ago my inner voice whispered to me that the further the distance is between me and my supply, the more vulnerable my life’s functions are. For example, what is the extent of my food security? How long before I go hungry? Is my pantry stocked for one week, two weeks, a month, three months, six months? Am I relying on a farm in Argentina or Mexico or am I relying on my neighbor or my food forest and garden?

Basically, what I am saying is security applies to more than one area of life. Whether it be giving our worth, soul's wellbeing, physical wellbeing, financial and food security, by giving these responsibilities to something or someone outside of ourselves, we’ve given our sovereign security away. Every living God- made man is a sovereign being and we have a sacred trust, a responsibility for our life, how we live on the land, treat ourselves, others, and nature. Stewarding and managing our supply in such a way that we don’t hit the bottom of the barrel before resupplying.

My intention is to open the door to a new perspective and inspire you to follow your curiosity and discover how you can live a sovereign life!

  • This garlic is a hard neck but I don’t know which one. Hard neck will store for approx. 3 + months, and soft neck stores 6 + months.

    Garlic, planted Oct of 2022
    Harvested, July of 2023

    Will reserve 50-60 of the healthiest cloves to plant late autumn.

    The remaining will be stored in a cool place to use as desired!

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.

Energy of Truth


Healing, a Code for Life