Healing, a Code for Life

When I was a little girl, I was quite the tomboy and got plenty of scrapes and a few deep gashes. My mom would clean the ouch, put on some natural remedies and bandage it. But never once, did anyone “do” anything to make my body heal. The remedies my mom used didn’t heal my body, it kept it in happy environment so it could do what God programmed it to do.

Healing is something that is. Healing is one of the Creators laws of life and it happens from within. It is happening every second, in every cell, in all that is living!

Healing happens in cycles. Ancient text in revelation speaks of either being hot or cold, and in nature there are cycles of growth or regression. I love how leaves teach us this beautiful story of this cycle. The death of the leaf in autumn, is the nutrients for new growth in spring. This cycle happens in our bodies, each organ and cell dying and regenerating new life. It also happens in plant life, soil, in animals and beyond.

Some time ago I was in a conversation with a 70-year experienced friend and how healing is connected to our beliefs about life, what is possible, or impossible, aging, injuries and more. How consciously or unconsciously, we are either choosing growth, or regression.

The biggest obstacle is our programing and education. What do you believe? What do you trust? Man’s system of healing that treats the inside from the outside. Or do we trust the Creators system, learn it’s language (like healing) and live in alignment so that the healing cycles repair our life?

My personal belief is that sickness in any area of life that produce symptoms and are a language. When understood and listened to and responding by choosing a deeper connection to the Creator, nature and life. Paired with self-responsibility, it helps walk us home to live from what is inherently true.

I too am on an ever-evolving journey of walking myself, our home, garden, lands, soil, and lifestyle towards steady increased beauty, vitality, and abundance. It never ceases to amaze me how the spiritual and the natural always go hand in hand; we don’t heal in the same environment that we got sick in, we shift perspectives, get outside our comfort zone, and baby step by baby step we create our Eden.

When it gets hard, we use the grit God wired into us. One step at a time turns into a thousand and little by little those steps will bring us home.

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.


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