Once upon a time there was an Eden gal. From the moment she took her first breath, she began leaving a unique fingerprint trail of curiosity’s. It began as simple why’s and as she grew in understanding her steps were directed towards understanding the Godmade and devoted decades to learning how the spiritual realm, created the 3D world.

Her soul was hungry and thirsty for wholeness, health and abundance. Her initial curiosity led her into the external world of systems. Governing entities such as, education, banking, religion, healthcare, food systems and etc. She found herself entangled in mystery, myths, and confusion surrounding truth. Despite discouragement, she continued. Faithfully elevating her external world while seeking internal truth. With childlike faith trusting that it would find her.

Trusting that she would find a God that didn’t speak out of both sides of the mouth, saying one thing and doing another: love in speech, and a sovereign malicious ass in demonstration.

One morning during daily communion she met Whom she sought. Experiencing mind and body wholeness, her natural state Godstate of being felt in 70 trillion cells! It changed something else; she began seeing wholeness in all of creation.

At first, she walked in childlikeness and in pure innocence in the experience of her rebirth. Many were drawn to the Light in the story like a moth to a flame. For some the timing of giving and reception was not right. The others were divinely appointed souls, that God brought into the Eden gal’s world, knowing she would need them as much as they needed her. In a culmination of hundreds of vulnerable and intimate conversations, they walked themselves home to the truth of who God is, and who they are.

This is also when she began walking the path of Jonah.

She feared becoming a persecuted outcast by her own people if she were to say that Jesus didn’t come to heal sin, but to restore humanity to the truth of whom they are. Then humanity knowing truth, could live from a healed soul, in turn they would heal their life. Their land. Their homes. Their relationships and influence their communities.

But… she began creating a story laced with fears and she silenced her own voice.

As the months passed by, she walked with a deep grief. Grieving the loss of her voice, her place in society, and the death of a generational identity that once was embodied in every cell.

One night in a dream, as a new waitress at a restaurant, where she was responsible for a room full of tables. She wanted to serve the guests water and set the table so they could eat. Having served before she thought she could find the serveware, but alas she could not.

Frustrated and confused she asked for help. To which they laughed, made fun and turned their backs on her. In the heat of the moment, she said, I QUIT! As she turned to leave the restaurant, she noticed the servers ignoring the families at her tables. She so badly wanted to walk. But her integrity would not allow her to abandon those hungry and waiting.

The following morning when she woke. She knew she had a decision to make. Walk away from the call of being a vessel in service to the truth of who God is. Or serve those who were waiting and hungry.

She knew she had a choice to make. She could walk if she wanted too. Instead, she opened her heart to the words, “Thy will be done.”

“There is a sacred cow and its tenacles has imbedded itself within the soul of humanity. Its nature is disembodying. It feels like fear, guilt, and shame. The story disconnects people from the wisdom that heals life. It lives for self. Believes in scarcity. Is cruel and disconnected from God. An inverted story rooted in the Garden of Eden.”

There is much more to be added to this story. For now, you are invited to meditate on the things that sparked within your soul.

Much love,

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.


Bouche Stinging Nettle Tea