A Hydrated Life

The other morning as I sat by the woodstove having a daily meeting with myself. I gazed out of the bay window into the morning light. Smoke from our chimney wafted between the sun, casting shadows on the matronly maple tree. Taking in a drink of the Creator, in the stillness as I gazed outward, I observed something magical. The light and shadows danced along the branches, as though it was being drawn like a straw into the trunk. Taking in the suns’ solar hydration and nourishment from its tips of its branches into its’ trunk and roots.

For you and me, from a physical perspective, hydration is a vital carrier of nourishment for the body, found in sunshine, soil, food, mineralized water and so many things I can’t name them all. And when I think of hydration from a spiritual aspect. I think of a life that is full of vitality and flow! But what happens when an area of life feels stagnant, and the flow blocked, and the vitality is gone? Chances are that area of life are inviting you to regenerate into something new.

It is an opportunity to practice being extra curious. To consciously observe what feels stuck. Give yourself permission to ask whatever question you are drawn to; What changed in the story? What has shifted emotionally, and why? Do I need to express deeper vulnerability and honesty with myself? So that I can see, feel, hear, and show up authentically in life? (What you do for self, you can then do for others.) Am I being asked to step into a greater capacity to receive, and hold a higher vibration? Am I holding on to something? Am I holding back? Am I stuck in an eternal season of spring (creating), summer (cultivation), autumn, (harvest) and winter (rest). Each season has a balance and imbalance, which I won’t get into today. But when we get stuck or balanced in a particular season, it blocks the natural cyclic flow.

This practice of curiosity opens the door to shifting stagnancy, into a hydrated vibrant life! This practice helps keep you stay connected to what you want to foster more of!

  • 1 Gallon jar

    1/2 hibiscus tea and buds

    Handful strawberries

    3-4 fresh sage leaves

    Just enough raw honey for sweetness. (I never measure, my guestimate is approx. 1/2 cup)

    Cold brew 24 hours (I forgot this batch and it sat in my fridge for a week.) It was still amazing!

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.


Open Fire Cooking


Create a Woodland Garden