Little is Much

I don’t know about you, but for me, autumn has always been a season of mixed emotions. But something has shifted in me and I have a new lens in how I’m seeing the world; other years the falling of leaves meant a dark brown winter ahead, however, this season I’m seeing how nature’s natural rhythm is shifting its energy from canopy to roots, and it feels as though it wants to reveal it’s secrets to me.

One of my favorite things to do is taking vintage or discarded items and repurposing them into something meaningful, and because of the work my husband does he frequently comes across unique items. This summer he was doing a project for a local farmer and they were getting rid of a round metal cattle hay-feeder that no longer served then. Joel asked me if we could make something of it? After a brief discussion, I gave him the ok to bring it home. It was so large he had to haul it with his truck and trailer, and the second he pulled in our driveway I started regretting the decision. We rolled it off the trailer and straight into our wooden fence, breaking a section of it. The fence added to my growing regret! The feeder ended up awkwardly laying by the side of our stone stairway, and every time I passed by I wondered what I could do with it. I knew I could ask Joel to dispose of it, but I just didn’t have the heart to ask. Weeks went by, and then it happened, I saw an idea that inspired me! I was browsing Pinterest for recipes and my attention was caught by this gorgeous autumn wedding and how they used a ring very similar to ours. From it, an idea was borne!

I was so excited! I showed Joel and he loved the idea too! A few days went by and while cleaning up outdoors I got it in my mind that this was the day to start making the idea come alive; brimming with determination I didn’t wait for Joel to help me after his work. I stood the ring on its end and rolled it all the way to the back of the property into the spot that is now our stargazing chaise lounge area! To me laying on the ground is five star lounging, however, the view in this chaise is surreal. Late at night as you walk between the stately walnut trees to the lounge area, with only the crickets to serenade you, it is like walking through a portal to another world. It’s magical. Even though I haven’t finished adding all the trimmings to the lounge, it is the best seat in our outdoors. As for the trimmings, I want to wind grapevines, grasses, and any colorful nature I can get my hands around the outer circle, a lounge cushion for the seat, and next spring some landscaping to frame the space. I love that you can take something so little, and make so much out of it. What once fed a farmer’s cattle, is now a space to soak in the light.


Code of Life

Self-Sovereignty is a consciousness that creates your way of being and living. -Lorene

I love soaking in the light! I literally could spend my life outside and be the happiest gal in the world!

At the beginning of this year I walked away from using preachers, and scientists as my source of learning; since then it has been me, pretending that I live in a wilderness with no access to outside information. At first, it was strange, it felt like I was doing something wrong, but I stayed steadfast in my heart-centered decision. Honestly, it wasn’t that hard, after a month or so the strangeness evaporated and I sank into living my everyday life. Without all the outside noise my spiritual hearing and eyesight slowly healed and is still healing. I also spent more time outdoors than I have since I was a child. With no outside noise Creation being my sole classroom and observation of my teacher; one of the first lessons that I saw was the effect of light on my body. The effects of light were so noticeable to the well-being of my body that I added morning and evening light therapy rituals to my daily self-care routine.

So now my day begins and ends in the light with evening rituals of cooking over a fire, bonfire, laying on the ground, star, and moon gazing. It feels like it’s been my best year yet!


Every day I’m finding that the “supernatural” btw, hate that word because this summer I’ve observed how the code for nourishment, regeneration, healing, and abundance is written into every little thing for me to tune in on it. The magic is in the fresh air we breathe, bare feet in the dirt, sunshine on our bare skin, foods un-modified directly from earth to table, the magic is found in the story we tell ourselves, the fact that the cells in our bodies are programmed to heal, (observe a cut), and the secret to abundance is found in the power of one seed.

I love that the secrets of life are hidden in plain sight! That the truth is so simple that it confounds the wise-est of men! I invite you to observe how one seed grows into a tree, that in one seed/tree produces 100’s of fruit and each piece fruit multitudes of seeds that translate into thousands of seeds! The Keifer pear tree in my father in laws orchard is a perfect example; from one seed a tree grew, and from that tree this year alone it produces 100’s and 100’s of pears, and within each pear, you will find a handful of seeds. I mean wow!

Until next time, I hope this inspired you to look at the world and life through a new lens! It’s all there, is within, it’s all around and it is free!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
— Buckminster Fuller
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Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.

Sovereignty, Back to our Roots


Living Connected