Living Connected

Hi friend,

O great drops of rain from heaven I'm so glad you are here!

I don’t know about you, but for me, harvest season is one of the richest. It’s a time of the year I welcome and savor. It’s a time when the pantry is fully restocked with homegrown goodness. For the past couple of years, I have been mowing one of my father-in-law’s small orchards. Because it’s an out-of-the-way plot, the trees have not been pruned for quite some time and have been barren until now. Wow! The Kiefer tree is loaded with a mouth-watering abundance of pears this season. Last Saturday, I headed over to the orchard with my vintage blue wagon to pick these gems intending to turn them into pear butter. As I write, a pot is simmering on the stove and is smelling of all kinds of fall amazing!

This is the inaugural post of a blogging foray; I was inspired to share about Living Connected.



Living Connected

The power of now is the power of being present; my presence on social media started around nine years ago and in the beginning, it felt much purer. It opened a world of "connecting". However, it was the beginning of the algorithmic marionette dance. At that time I has just started managing a local business's marketing and I began to study how the algorithm (rhythm) worked. The "algo" being the teams of people dedicated to setting the "rhythm". I felt like a monkey reacting to the algorithm gods so that content could be noticed; and it without noticing by its very nature of the beast become a competition to be heard in a sea of a billion voices and remember your perspective, opinion, and what you have to say is not a competition and media by nature dilutes it. Now a decade later we have a world of content creators, but what is the real-life experience like?

However, I don't want to get caught in the weeds of the good or bad of social media, because ultimately it is not why I left that world. It had to do with energy. The energy I put into that space wasn't nourishing my life, it wasn't adding to my North Star of what my life is about and for.

Daily life and nourishment have become about experiencing the present and as I leaned into this sensory experience it didn't need, likes, comments, saves, or shares, as is, it was enough.

There is nourishment, grounding, and healing that happens by being connected; like laying under the stars, studying the light of the moon and being moved to tears by its beauty, reading books on ancient wisdom, looking after the details of the home experience, spending time with a life partner, staring into a bonfire with Bear who looks more than a mini panther than a cat, cat. Perhaps it is working in the hottest of summer and sweat seeping from every pore while tearing down an olde shed nail by nail. It is letting the good and the bad, be what it is, and flow through your life like a babbling brook.

Honestly, the world is struggling because humanity is living from a robotic "algorithm" that is passed from generation to generation that begins the moment we are in the womb and till our bodies turn into dust. Everything from who we are, to the basics of life, has been outsourced. My personal opinion is that when we outsource, we disconnect. Wood bonfires have turned into a propane-created fire, sunshine has for UV protection, air for a breathing device, health from a supplement rather than life from sunrise to sunrise is our healing, food from across the country/countries instead of the backyard or someone in your community, and humanity has become experts at knowing how to survive, but not so much the thriving part.

What I’m trying to say is, the basics are the very things that help us thrive! There are no complicated algorithms in nature that make us dance through hoops to get. Rather, the algorithms of creation are pure, simple, and free and it is because our Creator wrote an indestructible life code in all of it that nourishes, heals, multiplies, renews, regenerates all we have to do is connect with it.


In conclusion, thank you for joining me on this unique journey of the Art of Eden and I’m grateful that you are a part of this community! The art of it is each of us expressing the creation of our own Eden’s in our own ways of living a life that is nourishing, healing, full of meaningful connection and experience.

Until next time!


Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.

Little is Much