Fermented Hot Sauce, Practice Creates Artisans

In our home we have nixed preservatives and that means any pre-made sauces are a no go! We’ve been hankering for variety and decided to give this a shot and if you are coming here to learn about fermentation, I’m not your gal. I’m a newbie and feeling my way through this process. In fact, my sister-in-law lovingly helped me make sourdough bread and left me with a starter. Yesterday I got it out to feed so that I could make a fresh loaf and it is looking like I killed it before I even got started! it smells good, but no bubbles and there need to be bubbles! My mom left me with some advice about piecrust that I will apply here. That is, practice makes perfect!

  • Organic peppers of choice
    4 cups warm well water
    4 tsp Himalayan salt
    4 cloves of garlic
    32-ounce jar
    Cover for four days, make sure the lid can breathe for fermentation process.
    When blend in a food processor and store in a special jar in refrigerator.
    ( I removed most of the seeds so that it is a mild hot sauce. )

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.


Fire Roasted Poblano Pepper Pesto


Rustic Blackened Tomato Paste