Daily Bread of Living in the Present

Hello friend!

We are nearing the end of March and rounding the bend into April, and it is feeling surreal; warm days are tantalizingly close, the sun is brighter, the days are getting longer, and our first thunderstorm of the year rolled through our area last week. After the storm subsided and the sun set, I took a stroll through the gardens and as I walked out from under the centenarian pine, the sky gave way to a breathtakingly clear sky and stars so bright! I can’t remember the last time I saw it like that.

It’s funny how winter has a way of making us forget what summer is like, and spring is the re-introduction and remembering of it all over again. Which is needed when winter is being moody and feeling like the flow is stagnant. But nature reminds us of what is true. Though there is no visible sign of life in the trees and plants, it does not mean it's not there. As sure as the sunrises, seasons shift the life-force in the roots and will in time, produce the green canopy! Flow is always there; we just have to follow it even as it changes its course.

A teaching I treasure from ancient scriptures is: “give us this day our daily bread”. Years ago, it struck me that this is speaking about a flow of daily supply. At that time the vision was in my imagination but my real life was a desert. I didn’t know how to get to where I wanted to go other than taking small steps that were in front of me. I began by choosing higher quality food, cleaning my house, treating it as though it was our own 5-star retreat and so on and so on.

Unbeknownst to me, I discovered that one of the secrets to creating an extraordinary life is found in elevating the everyday things: whether it be the quality of our sleep, meditation-prayer, hydration, movement, food, intimacy, farm to fork food, the work we do, our home, taking care of laundry, cleaning, creating and maintaining the gardens, as well as my relationships. Step by step finding ways to make things better, nicer, and happier!

Since Eden is not an end all destination, in January and February, I spent time refining the vision for nearly every area of my life and this month as the full moon disappeared into the sunlit sky, I lit a pile of dried pines. As they went up in flames, it felt so good–the old dry pines symbolizing the remnants of the old disappearing into the ethers ! With homemade ginger kombucha in hand, facing the sun, I opened my heart to embrace the new season and the day's supply

Daily Bread for a Nourishing Life…

A few helpful tips from my personal guide for a nourishing daily life:

  • Environmental: home and gardens (defining its use, the sensory and emotional experience.

  • Food: the quality of food we eat organic, non- GMO and no preservatives.

  • Physical routines for (strength, vitality, etc. general wellbeing for now and long-term.

  • Spiritual routines that keep me grounded in who I am.

  • Every routine whether it be a workout, coffee, sunbathing, cleaning a toilet, creating and enjoying a meal, meditation or stealing kisses; it may have been done many times, but everyday it’s experienced in the moment for what it is in childlike wonder.

  • Say no to the thief of comparison. I’ve found by eliminating comparison I can value my journey and someone else’s equally.

  • Every task in my day has a reason for existing, it has a use, creating a sensory and emotional connection.

Cheers to exploring what works for you and creating your personalized Eden!

Until next time!

***Lorene is a vessel and is of the lineage of God, but not the One and she encourages readers to find and know the truth through their own discernment.

Wildwood Coaching Ltd

Lorene is an intuitive belief coach that knows what it's like when you feel like you’ve tried everything and are totally burned out in spirit, soul, and body. I know what it feels like to be in a place of deep hunger for authentic answers but not know where to get them. I’m here to encourage you to take the leap! Follow the spark and curiosity God put in your DNA to call you back to Eden.


Elevating Life through Mastery: Kombucha Recipe


Unapologetically, I Am